Monday, December 12, 2011

ACED 2012

12 December 2011 :

The 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012) will be held at Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia, on December 10 -12, 2012. This is the 16th conference of a series that had its last venues in  Xian, China, (2010), Bandung, Indonesia (2008), Hokkaido, Japan (2006), Shenzhen, China (2004), Seoul, Korea (2002), Kyoto, Japan (2000), Bandung, Indonesia (1998), Bangkok, Thailand (1996), Xian, China (1994), Oita, Japan (1993) and Singapore (1992). The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for researchers, scientist and engineers to exchange ideas and discuss recent progress in properties, phenomena and applications of electrical discharges. The organizing committee cordially invites you to participates in the conference.

Further information:

Biggest Issues on Social Media Faced by Librarians

12 December 2011 :

Prepared by Lisa Surihani Aziz (Senior Librarian/Head, Automation Division) 

Bloggers, what I would like to share today? What is the hot issue? Oh ya, social media using Web 2.0 technologies is a phenomenon in today’s world right?? If we were to just walk around, we would see how many of people are looking at social media especially Facebook, twitter, blogs, chat and Youtube. However, there are several biggest issues faced by librarians personally and professionally need to think.


One of the issues is not all librarians are ready to employ Web 2.0 applications. Some of them do not ‘believe in’ or ‘are fearful of’ using these online tools (Rogers, 2009). The most common reason associated with librarians’ inability to accept and use social media tools are lack of interest, skills, knowledge; lack of understanding of Web 2.0 or social media; and fear of change and fear with technology. Some of the libraries want to increase the use of social media, but the issues is having know one who knows enough about them to implement them. So to make librarians are ready and confident to employ social media such as blogs, Facebook, Youtube, twitter and second life for the library are through education, training, use of successful examples and make them understand of these technologies. These may be can change their minds and they begin slowly implement with all these online tools.

In addition, privacy is a concern as well. For example, the librarians cannot completely control or make it private their answers, message, comments, response and content to the library users through social media. Once they on the social media, everybody can see and access. This is because they are ‘servicing’ and ‘satisficing’ not only the library users, but also the Google community. Besides that, Librarians’ behaviour and content is not only a reflection of themselves but also of to the Library. Librarians must know what they should do and should not do. That means, librarians don’t share secrets, bad mouth, complain, do stupid things, defame and so on through social media. Librarians need also to think about privacy, confidentiality, permission to use other people’s content and show everyone respect.


Having a social media presence is a commitment. Keeping up with the information, constant communication with friends and followers and maintain the quality of social media, so that it always consistent and up-to-date are an issue faced by librarians. These are because a staff and time constraint. The librarians busy are doing their daily duties such as cataloguing, acquisition, reference services, user education programs, etc. and they don’t have a quality time to give their commitments or to do an effective job with these social media. Some of the libraries are understaffed and they don’t have a lot of time to really devote to the development of these social media. Proper library planning and investigating the staff time necessary to participate in theses social media are required for the better future of library services.

Another issue is not every library will benefit from the same social media tools. Librarians need to experiment to see what works for their library and make a library planning based on their users needs. Before plan anything, every Web 2.0 tool needs to go through an evaluation process before it is used in the library. Librarian who is involved in the social media strategy must clearly understand the role and goals of this initiative. There is nothing worse than joining a social network with no purpose, plan or a way to measure what we are doing.

Be serious on planning library strategy using social media. It would be useful if library social media provided information on rights and limitation of library users. For example, if the libraries provide reference chat service, IM or Facebook, the libraries need also to provide a users’ guide that contained information on different issues such as who can use the chat service, types of valid questions, how to create a new entry, how to reply/make a comment to library Facebook, what they’re allowed to say or respond, how to configure chat programs as well as technical support information, and provide solutions for potential technical issues. Not all library users could be familiar with such issues, especially new users. In addition, with this social media, librarians are also sometimes difficult to sort out ‘official’ library use from sanctioned-but-independent use (Rogers, 2009). This is where a social media policy and guidelines come in. The way by making sure everyone who is involved in library’s efforts understands what to do. A specific measurement to measure the social media effectiveness is also required, so that the library’s mission can be achieved.

With this development of social media in the libraries, the role of librarians has also changed. Librarians not only become a cataloguer, information provider, knowledge manager, or information consultant, they are now become a knowledge engineer or information gatekeeper. In this regard, librarians in the today’s world require new skills, knowledge, abilities and competencies to adapt this kind of technologies especially knowledge and skills in web 2.0 applications. We also can refer “Competencies for information professionals of the 21st Century” guidelines developed by the Special Library Association for library staff development and continuing education purposes. This is because without clear guidelines on competencies, a library profession is likely to get lost when marching toward an increasingly dynamic future (Luo, 2007).

Overall, it can be believed that social media and Web 2.0 have proven to be of great use for online communities and sharing online information and resources. They are not only helping communicate a libraries’ message to current and potential customers, but also demonstrates their popularity and impact. From this development, librarians easily can build their own social media authority which may give a good influence on their profession. However, there are two concerns about the library users’ and librarians’ attitude. With this social media, the library users reluctant to come to the library. If this continues, in the not-to-distant future some library users will arrive at universities with no concept of what a library is, or what a library does. While, librarians are becoming heavily reliant on social media, incapable of communication, lose contact with reality, lose their relationships with other people and no real life experience. So, we need to be working together and not undermining the traditional work we still do, that is still overwhelmingly appreciated by the people we serve. Traditional methods are still used because we’re able to reach an extremely wide audience, regardless of their technological skills and they are still relevant. There can be a balance to using new technology to promote, support and enhance traditional, as well as new, programming and resources.


Luo, L. (2007). Chat reference competencies: identification from a literature review and
librarian interviews. Reference Services Review, 35(2), 195-209.
Retrieved November 15, 2011, from Emerald Database.      
libraries. Library Hi Tech, 26(4), 630-653. Retrieved November 13, 2011,
from Emerald Database.
Nielsen. (2011). Nielsen: social media report: Q3 2011. Message posted to
Rogers, C. R. (2009). Social media, libraries, and Web 2.0: how American libraries are using
new tools for public relations and to attract new users. Paper presented at Germany
Library Association Annual Conference. Retrieved November 7, 2011, from

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Watch: APEX status

7 December 2011 :

University Sains Malaysia beat a field of eight other higher learning centres to emerge as the Ministry of Higher Education's choice for Apex University.


Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Library Workshops for December 2012 - Registration opens now!!

6 December 2011 :


MONDAY : ILS (8:30AM – 11:00AM)
WEDNESDAY: ILS (8:30AM – 11:00AM)

Register :
At Reference Counter, Ground Floor, PHS [New Wing] or
By phone: 04-6535350 or
By e-mail:

Registration should be made two (2) weeks before the chosen date.
No earlier registration is allowed.

WORKSHOP VENUE: Computer Lab, Ground Floor, PHS1


Watch: Accelerated Programme for Excellence (APEX)

6 December 2011 :

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has been granted apex status. The Cabinet had agreed to USM being given the apex status on Aug 27. Watch the news from TV3.

Monday, December 05, 2011

USM gets APEX status

5 December 2011 :

PUTRAJAYA: Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has been granted apex status. With it, USM can expect hundreds of millions of ringgit in additional funding to transform it into Malaysia's first world-class university.
Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said that quantitative and qualitative criteria were used to select USM under the accelerated programme for excellence (apex).

 Announcement time: Khaled flanked by deputies Dr Hou Kok Chung (right) and Datuk Idris Haron with a copy of the statement announcing USM as the country's first apex university.

“The selection committee evaluated each university's state of readiness, transformation plan and preparedness for change.
“After a thorough evaluation, the committee decided that only one university truly met all the criteria, namely USM,'' he told a press conference yesterday.
The Cabinet had agreed to USM being given the apex status on Aug 27, 2008.
The university that is given apex status is one that has the greatest potential among Malaysian universities to be world-class, and as such, would be given additional assistance to compete with top-ranked global institutions, added Khaled.
He said with apex status, USM will be expected to move up the World University Rankings with a target of top 200 in five years' and top 100, if not top 50, by 2020.
In last year’s Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings, Universiti Malaya (UM) was the highest ranked Malaysian university at 246, followed by USM (307), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (309) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (364).
A selection committee headed by former Universiti Malaysia Sarawak vice-chancellor Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Mohamad Zawawi Ismail short-listed USM, UM, UKM and UPM.
USM's transformation plan, entitled “Transforming Higher Education for a Sustainable Tomorrow” focussed, among other things, on diagnostics, medical biotechnology, waste management, pharmaceuticals, nano-technology, membrane technology and vaccines.
Asked why UM was not selected, Khaled said: “I hope the apex status will spur other universities to strive for excellence, too. It's not about selecting the oldest university but choosing one with a doable plan that can help us transform our higher education.”
The other universities that applied for apex status were International Islamic University Malaysia, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Petronas and Universiti Tenaga Nasional.

(Source: )

Saturday, December 03, 2011

IFLA 2012

3 December 2011 :

The IFLA World Library and Information Congress, which is also the IFLA General Conference and Assembly, is traditionally held annually in varying parts of the globe.

The Congress IFLA WLIC 2012 will be held in Helsinki, Finland, from 11-17 August 2012.
Congress theme: "Libraries Now! - Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering".

Further information:

ICOL 2012

3 December 2011 :

USM Library, supported by the Librarians Association of Malaysia will be proudly hosting:

ICOL 2012
2 - 4 July 2012 | Kota BharuTransformation to Humanize Libraries

With the theme "Transformation to Humanize Libraries", the conference will be held at the Renaissance Hotel Kota Bharu, the capital city of Kelantan, one of the states in Malaysia.

Book Review: Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences (8th ed.)

3 December 2011 :

Prepared/Reviewed by Kamal Adli Karim (Senior Librarian/Head, Technical Processing Division)

Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (8th ed.)
Bruce L. Berg and Howard Lune
Call Number
H61. B493 2011

This book is, by far, the most comprehensive book on qualitative research methods ever written. Berg covers all of the major areas of qualitative research methods with the expertise of a seasoned veteran researcher--of which he is. This book is written in an accessible and easy-to-understand style. Each chapter revolves around one central element of the qualitative research methods picture. Having been a reader of earlier editions of this book (in fact, all editions), I can testify that each edition of this book gets better than the previous edition. This book is required reading for anyone seriously interested in the research process - qualitative or quantitative.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Impact Factor and h-Index

 1 December 2011 :

Prepared by Husriati Hussain (Librarian, Reference & Research Division) 

Impact Factor:
n  The only quantitative way of ranking a journal
n  A quantitative measure of the frequency with which the "average article" published in a given scholarly journal has been cited in a particular year or period.
n  Is used in citation analysis
n  It is calculated each year by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) for those journals which it tracks, and are published in the Journal Citation Report.
n  Impact Factors have a huge, but controversial, influence on the way published scientific research is perceived and evaluated

The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist's most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications. The index can also be applied to the productivity and impact of a group of scientists, such as a department or university or country. The index was suggested by Jorge E. Hirsch, a physicist at UCSD, as a tool for determining theoretical physicists' relative quality and is sometimes called the Hirsch index or Hirsch number.

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